To keep a quickly running web site, you should have a plain and well written code. Inside the Web Hosting Control Panel, you can find a set of applications that will assist you accelerate your site’s performance without having to change anything in the back–end code. The Site Accelerator Tools – Node.js, Memcached and Varnish will not just help you to provide quicker streaming rates to your site visitors and so lower bounce percentage, but may also take your website higher in the search engine rankings.

To utilize the Site Accelerator Tools, just simply sign into your Web Hosting Control Panel and produce an instance for the one you need the most.


RAM–storing instead of data base requests

Assuming you have a data base–driven web site or web application, and if data–base queries often reduce the overall performance, this can be really bothersome for the website visitors and the application users. Seeking out an answer normally can demand a considerable amount of time. However, in the Cloud Service Web Hosting Control Panel, you will discover a solution for you.

Memcached is a straightforward, yet strong distributed memory caching system, that collects data and objects within the RAM. In this way, the database–stored info on your web site does not need to be querried every time a website visitor opens the same page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–storing as an alternative for HTTP requests

Using the Varnish web accelerator incorporated into Cloud Service’s Web Hosting Control Panel, you can easily make your site web pages come up a lot quicker for your website visitors. All of the configurations are performed by way of a convenient interface, without having to create any immediate adjustments to the program code of your respective website.

Varnish is an HTTP acceleration application that can help the web pages stream quicker by caching them in the server RAM. In this way, after a webpage has been loaded by a visitor one time, it won’t need to be shipped from the hosting server any further, which actually minimizes loading time and then accelerates your webpages. It has been assessed that Varnish typically hurries up site loading times with a 300 – 1000x factor.

Hepsia File Manager


A simple way to construct flexible apps

If you need to set up a web app, you ought to have the equipment you’ll need accessible to you immediately, without the need to browse, compile and install them. Cloud Service’s Web Hosting Control Panel could help you save both the energy and time, by providing you with the equipment you need right close to hand.

The Node.js software will allow for developers, no matter if they are professionals or not, to construct adaptable network programs and websites. It is based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine along with the libUV. Node.js works by using an event–based, non–blocking I/O model that makes it light–weight and also reliable, perfect for data–loaded real–time apps running over distributed devices.

Hepsia File Manager